Archive for March, 2015

Ok guys, you know those Victoria’s Secret commercials that come on? The ones with all the wind blowing and slow motion walking, flirty smiles and legs for days? Well, you know how you have become a pro at secretly enjoying these few and far between moments without your significant other noticing, even when she’s sitting right next to you? Well, she notices!!! She knows you are drooling on the inside for that full 30 seconds or more.

Secretly, there is a part of her that wishes she could be that woman for you. Don’t get me wrong; she knows you love and appreciate her, but there’s still that inner girlie girl who would love to come forward in the most intimate way and be able to completely surprise you. She wants to completely surprise herself! And sure, you could purchase the lingerie, the shoes, the perfume etc., but it’s the experience that will last long after those goods go out of style. Why not become the one man who can give her the experience of feeling like that model you know she knows you notice.

All women love having great photographs of themselves. Yes, it may take a little loving support from you; after all, feeling self-conscious and a bit nervous about being photographed is completely natural. Wouldn’t you be if you were stepping so far out of your comfort zone? But what you and I both know is that after being pampered with hair, make up, lighting, editing, maybe some new lingerie and after being coached through a shoot by a professional fashion photographer, she can’t help but leave feel full of confidence! She will see herself differently and although she knows she may not have that 24″ waist, she now knows she doesn’t have to. She can feel amazingly sexy in the body she has and even better, she will feel desired and celebrated by the one person who means the most to her…you. Do you know why she wants to look like those models, aside from the obvious? If you take nothing else from me, know this; it’s because every women wants to feel wanted. She knows you adore her but she will feel sexy, confident, loved, valued, desired, all of the above, when you remind her that you want her. What better way to do that than by creating lasting, tasteful, intimate images of her that the two of you can cherish for years to come.


As spring approaches, what better time to let her know how much you love and celebrate her. Email info@shannon-michelle.com or call 617.307.1155 to contact us about purchasing a boudoir experience with Shannon Michelle. For pricing and more info, visit our website HERE.

FOR BOOKINGS OR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com

Honored to photograph the beautiful Holly Nichols. More to come!
In the meantime, check out her fashion illustrations HERE.

Fashion illustrator Holly Nichols

FOR BOOKINGS OR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com

Mar 02, 2015
posted in CELEBRITY, FASHION with 0 Comments

So grateful for all the Instagram love! Follow us @shannonmichellephoto

Instagram fashion designers love our photography

Rent The Runway
Falguni & Shane PeacockIsaac Mizrahi
J Mendel
Fashion Photography by Shannon Michelle

FOR BOOKINGS FOR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com

Need a gift idea for the fashion lover?! Order a designer print signed by the photographer and mounted for added durability (frame sold separately).


Framed photography; designer fashion prints signed by artist.

FOR BOOKING OR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com

Mar 02, 2015
posted in POSING with 0 Comments

Have you seen this yet?! This short documentary about the Undeveloped Film Project and what they discover when they process 31 rolls of  undeveloped film from WWII is absolutely amazing. It’s a beautiful film and reminds me how important it is to print your photographs. Moments do become memories and they only increase in value with time. What are your thoughts on this? Especially in the digital age, will you continue to print what’s important to you?

The undeveloped film project


FOR BOOKINGS OR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com

Today, I pulled some files for a past maternity client of mine. How fun it was to look through her portraits again, so I decided to share a few of my favorite maternity shoots with you. Enjoy!  Maternity_Tricia




Boston South Shore Maternity Fashion Inspired



Maternity Portraits Boston South Shore Fashion Inspired




Give us a call! We are excited to hear from you and answer any of your questions!!

Photography by Shannon Michelle Photography
Hair | Make up by Krisann Kiley

FOR BOOKINGS OR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com

“Sometimes, you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.” ~ Dr. Seuss

I often hear photographers talk about how much your images will mean to you when your children’s children look at your wedding album or about how quickly your newborn baby will grow. And I believe every word of it. But as a boudoir / fashion photographer, I sometimes find myself feeling a little….well….if I’m being honest here…superficial.

There, I said it.

I mean, I know what I do is important. I know I’m meant to do this work. I’m good at it, and I absolutely LOVE helping women celebrate themselves as they are! But does it really compare to the newborn photographs of your children?!

And then, I opened my inbox this morning.

Wow! I will print this out as a daily reminder that what I do has significant impact. I am so inspired by this woman and I am honored that she trusted with me with creating such intimate images for her, that now hold so much meaning. I am reminded that I don’t need to compare with other life moments; because this moment is equally as great!

Please enjoy her letter below and let her inspire you to celebrate yourself today. Not in 6 months, not in 10lbs…today.

You are loved. You deserve to be celebrated. 

Sexy Boudoir South Shore Photographer Cancer



This letter reads:

Hello Shannon,

I’ve been meaning to write and thank you for some time, but better late than never. In the summer of 2013 I got a boudoir shoot, in anticipation of my husband’s 40th birthday. When I came to the studio, I had just had a biopsy and was waiting for the results; I found out later that I had breast cancer, and several months later had a mastectomy. I really appreciated the opportunity to be playful and sexy and forget about what was going on during the shoot, and I’m very grateful to have some beautiful images of my pre-cancer body. I just wanted you to know how much those photos have meant to me.


Boudoir by Shannon Michelle: The ultimate in intimate gift giving. Just in time for the holidays (gift certificates available), we are adding boudoir videos to our exclusive list of available services. Book a` la carte or with a print package. This boudoir video was created behind the scenes for an exclusive shoot featuring Black Lace Skin Jewelry.


View the full Black Lace Skin Jewelry hoto shoot HERE


Click HERE to view behind the scenes coverage featuring Black Lace Skin Jewelry at New York Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.

Boudoir Video Sexy Boston Fashion Photos

Custom Lingerie and featured accessories: Black Lace Skin Jewelry

Model: Hailey Welsh of Dynasty Models

Hair / Make Up: Lynne Avellone

Video: Shannon Michelle Photography

Assistant: Jaclyn Lombardo

“A completely modern twist on traditional lingerie.”

That’s what I saw when I came across Black Lace Skin Jewelry. We met up in NYC during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week where I was shooting show after show and Black Lace Skin Jewelry was the featured accessory for the talented fashion designer, Malan Breton. After settling down from the hustle and bustle of fashion week (check out behind the scenes coverage from their runway show), we met one rainy morning to discuss how we could best work together (p.s. when I was offered champagne first thing in the morning, I knew we would get along just fine!). Thankfully, founders Mary Anne Richman and Bonny Katzman turned out to be so cool and excited to create a custom bra for  a shoot together. Enjoy a few of our favs from the day and make sure to watch the video HERE.


Boston Boudoir Sexy Gift Photos   Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0002 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0006 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0007 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0008 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0010 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0011  Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0014 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0015 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0016 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0017 Boston Boudoir Fashion Portrait Photographer_0293Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0018 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0019Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0001 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0021 Boston Sexy Boudoir Fashion Photography_0022

Custom lingerie and featured accessories: Black Lace Skin Jewelry

Models: Hailey Welsh of Dynasty Models, Simone of Dynasty Models & Darcy of Dynasty Models

Hair / Make Up: Lynne Avellone

Photos: Shannon Michelle Photography

Assistant: Jaclyn Lombardo

FOR BOOKINGS OR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com

What’s your biggest fear about gifting your man a boudoir album on your wedding day? When we chatted it up with our brides (and once we got past the typical answers like my thighs and stomach) we quickly realized it was the fear of coordinating a secret, covert mission to deliver the album to your groom and just your groom! Flashes of your 12 year old nephew getting a hold of it and saying ‘What’s this?!’ as he opens to a full page spread of you wearing not much more than a smile typically sets of heart palpitations right away. Or worse, your dad!!

The fear of standing across from your significant other and wondering who else saw my boudoir pictures is not something you want to experience on your wedding day. We get it! So, we’ve got an app for that!!


O yes! Your boudoir album on your very own personal app is the safest way to get your intimate images in the hands of your man without a drunken, joke-playing groomsman finding and sharing them with anyone and everyone.

Imagine the love of your life, just a few hours from becoming your husband or wife, getting a text from you that contains the password to the app (NO PEAKING) that you so sneakily downloaded onto his/her phone the evening before. Even if he noticed the app, it says “No Peaking” and if he is like most men and can’t keep his hands off it, he can’t get into the app without the password anyway.

Problem solved! Images delivered! No nosy groomsman or flaky bridesmaid dropping off a book for just anyone to pick up. But wait, there is a book of course! Hand deliver your custom designed album on your wedding night and get to watch his reaction first hand to the beautiful images you’ve created for him. Then…reap the rewards of course!

Happy Wedding Night :)

P.S. For even more of teaser, we’ll be happy to put just a few select images into your app, leaving the album to be the big surprise. The last photo in the app can even read “more tonight…” or something similar.

Click HERE to read why I don’t photograph weddings.

FOR BOOKINGS OR INQUIRIES: info@shannon-michelle.com