We’ve normalized addiction, it’s time to normalize recovery. These before and afters were created and presented at the Zoe Freedom center’s year end Image Bearer’s Gala fundraiser. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the following for making this possible:
– The amazing Jeet of Glam by Jeet for the stunning hair and makeup
– The staff at Stevenson Ridge for hosting and serving an amazing dinner
– The staff & volunteers at Zoe who covered every detail imaginable.
– The Girls who were so brave to share their stories and photographs.
– Jeanne Allert of The Samaritan Women for the Keynote.
– The over 100 attendees who came in support of this amazing cause.
– Mark & Dana Brown at Zoe Freedom Center for making all of this possible.
– The amazing sponsors that came on board!
Click HERE for photos of the gala.