Oct 11, 2016
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As a boudoir photographer, you hear a lot of a body image concerns. In fact during consultations, we often ask what concerns our clients have with their body. What do they want to show off and what do they want to hide etc. We hear the typical tummy, thighs, booty response; but just recently, I had a client say her least favorite body part was her arms.

I get that.

It might not be the first thing you think of hiding in boudoir since there’s a whole lot more to hide! LOL. But how many of your clients hate the look of their arms in pictures? After all, how many of you avoid sleeveless shirts for that reason alone?

No worries. This is quick fix.

Posing is a big part of what goes into creating a great photograph and I’ve learned a lot about posing by working with professional models.

You know as that whatever is closest to the camera appears the biggest? A simple fix for your client’s arms, is to pose them with their arms farther away from the camera than the other parts of her body.

[It’s easier than it sounds.]

So, if she is standing with her arms by her side, think about having a very slight bend in her elbows and push her arms back, keeping them just behind her hips. If she’s laying down with her arm across her body, just have her bend her elbow a bit so it falls behind her hip.

Don’t think hands on the hips; think arms behind the hips.

By keeping her arms just slightly behind her hips, her body is now creating dimension that wasn’t originally there. It gives the appearance of depth and you’re no longer on a single plane. Take a look at the models below. Sure they’re skinny, but every single one of them still has their arms behind their hips!


Left: Venexiana | Right: Monique Lhullier

falguni and shane peacock

Falguni & Shane Peacock




Left: Monique Lhullier | Right: Naeem Khan

Want more help posing?
Click [HERE]

All photos © Shannon Michelle.

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